Relevance of number of vacancies in KPSC exams !!!

Relevance of number of vacancies in KPSC exams !!!


  1. The number of vacancies called for in notification and actual number of appointments are not same. Actual appointments are always much higher.
  2. KPSC notifications are conducted based on current available vacancies. The time between exam and the result publication will take minimum of 1-1.5 years. Again the published ranklist is valid for 3 years from the date of result publication.
  3. So during this period, number vacancies increases either as per fresh requirements or due to vacancies reported due to retirements. All these adds on to existing vacancies. These vacancies are filled from the same ranklist.
  4. So KPSC aspirants should keep in mind that their right Exam plan should be to prepare thoroughly and adopt a professional approach for the upcoming exams and should not be unnecessarily concerned about number of vacancies.
  5. Start your preparations early and make your fundamentals strong through revision and practice . This is the best strategy for excelling in any competitive exams.
